Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Gonorrhea: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Last night, as we were exiting an exhaustively-hilarious, 24 hour-long, "Ma and Pa Kettle" film festival at the Castro Theatre in San Francisco, I rather urgently suggested to Raven that I might like her to dress up as Zera from "The Planet of The Apes" the next time we had sex. We had recently been sent a crate of bananas from a mutual friend in Brazil and I was attempting to concoct a scenario in which Raven would perform a seductive simulation of fellatio upon one of the bananas before they rotted and we had to simply toss them out without taking advantage of their obviously phallic shape. With the hysterically-funny, hillbilly-themed antics of Ma and Pa Kettle still dancing about in her perverse brain, Raven suggested that we dress up as Ma and Pa Kettle the next time we did "the nasty". I replied that such an act of perversion would be just too kinky and grotesque, even for the likes of us. Plus, I added, seeing as Ma and Pa Kettle had so many hillbilly children, they must have already had sex with each other several times dressed as Ma and Pa Kettle and therefore the concept was old hat. She thought about this and then agreed to a sexual tryst with her being costumed as Zera from "The Planet of The Apes", but only with the stipulation that I would be dressed as Pa Kettle, providing a unique and perverse twist to our ongoing sexual role-playing. Zera it would be for hot, monkey sex, but Pa Kettle would provide the spanking and demand the simulated banana fellatio. HOT!

1 comment:

Gonorrhea signs symptoms said...

Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmittable disease. It is caused by bacterium known as Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It can lead to life-risking disease. For prevention, one should use condoms, restrict the number of sex partners, seeking regular medical check up, pregnant women should go for regular checking and taking proper medication etc.